While we love a bit of cash, we think it’s much better to give it to things we believe in.
Therefore all the profits made from festival is going to three charities close to our hearts.
L’argent c’est bien, on aime bien, mais comme on on pense qu’on a pas mal de chance dans notre vie, on prefere donner cet argent aux autres. C’est pourquoi tout l’argent du festival va a des oeuvres caritatives qui nous tienne au coeur.
Protect Our Winters (POW) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Founded by professional snowboarder Jeremy Jones in 2007, POW turns passionate outdoor people into effective climate advocates. POW leads a community of athletes, thought pioneers and forward-thinking business leaders to affect systemic political solutions to climate change.
The mountains is our playground, let’s protect it.
Established in 1977, our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world’s oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. We use innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
The Centre for Applied Research and Evaluation International Foundation (Careif) is an international mental health charity that works towards protecting and promoting mental health and resilience, to eliminate inequalities and strengthen social justice.
Our main aim is to share knowledge internationally about mental health in order to improve people’s wellbeing. This know how is about how to live healthily, ensure that working practices and services have maximum impact, and are suited to different cultures across the world.